Empowered Empath
A potent 5.5 hours of powerful tools, meditations, and healings to assist you on your journey as an empowered empath.
Here you will learn:
✨️How to best navigate your Ascension symptoms
✨️How to quieten your mind chatter in under 30 seconds
✨️How to work with Mother Gaia and the element of water to heal, bless, and cleanse you
✨️How to communicate with your body and release stuck energy
✨️How to connect to your higher self and the divine to receive clarity and guidance for your next steps.
✨️How to utilise the current energies so you can quantum leap and shift to your highest timeline
✨️Cord cutting
✨️Protecting your Energy
✨️Thought forms
✨️2 x Breathwork and energy healing sessions