Let Go of the Heavy and Step into your Happiness!!

Whether you are at the start of your healing and manifestation journey, have spent years stumbling on your own, or have sought out other forms of coaches, courses or mentors, I have a knack of being able to take people from where they are, to experiencing massive breakthroughs, insights and clarity. Saving them years and helping them transform their lives for the better, quantum leap, and make manifestation work for them!

Hi I’m Maz,

I’m a Best Selling Author, Breathwork Facilitator, Energy Healer, Reiki Master, and Founder of the Phoenix Rising Academy.

I coach, guide, and empower people to remove and heal all the energetic and subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours using the Phoenix Rising Method.

I wasn't always doing these things. I had to overcome many obstacles such as homelessness, childhood traumas, abuse, toxic relationships, addictions, eating disorders, depression, and the biggest battle of all, myself.

My soul mission is to help people like YOU to align to your HIGHEST POTENTIAL by guiding you to remove all of the energetic, subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from being your BEST SELF, heal from your past pain and trauma, recognize your behavioral patterns and BREAK TOXIC CYCLES you may have found yourself in with not only others but yourself. Why survive in life when we can thrive?

Featured on Forbes, Brainz, Channel 10 news, Studio10, Thrive Global, The AM show, Body + Soul, The Sunday Mail, Oxygen Magazine, Women’s Health, Lifehack.org, The Coach Place Global, ThoughtCatalog, Auspreneur and many more.

Inner Happiness Unlocked!!

A student's transformation that had him shockingly suprised at how happy and content he is now feeling!!

Another student's powerful transformation!!

It is very common for those who start working with me to feel in shock and a little strange because they're no longer so triggered, reactive and have finally found a sense of peace that is so new to them!!

Be ready for your outer reality to shift as well as your inner reality!!

Many students have experienced behavioural changes for the better alongside of their emotional, spiritual, and physical shifts. It literally warms my heart witnessing so many people rise and unleash their inner Phoenix!!

Example Curriculum

  Introduction Please read before starting any modules
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Lesson 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

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I had only officially finished grade 8, was homeless in my teens, had no real education, stuck in toxic cycles, experienced a ton of abuse, and struggling to make ends meet.

Despite my circumstances, I have completely turned my life around and manifested huge things into my life such as:

Stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships - Best selling book on toxic relationships

Struggling pay check to pay check - 6 figures and growing

Working a job just to pay the bills - living my purpose full-time, being my own boss, and travelling full-time

No education -published author featured on major publications, podcasts, radio, and TV around the world

Riddled with unhealed trauma - helping thousands around the world heal and transform

This is only a small portion of ALL the wonderful things I have been able to manifest and I am so passionate about helping others thrive. It is my mission to help as many people as I can to tap into their innate power and utilise the gifts that the universe has for us!

We are ALL such powerful beings and I want to help you to uncover your divine power which is your birth right. We can ALL manifest and we ALL deserve inner peace. Let me guide you to release your blocks and start walking into your happiness!